Your weekly dose of irony
I feel like I have let my readers down. Try as I might, I never seem to have my camera ready at the right moment and I am reduced to verbally explaining all the funny visuals I see almost daily. I know a picture’s worth a thousand words, but really, I’m doing my best…
Driving along the road, Mus and I saw this beautifully painted sign. There were all sorts of animals on it, including monkeys, and in big letters it said, “Protect our Wildlife.” Directly behind the sign, not 10 feet from it, is a stand where people sell wild game, including monkeys that were skinned and field-dressed and smoked on a stick. I desperately hope that next time I can get a picture of this.
The other day in the market I saw a t-shirt that said “Jesus is Coming! Quick, look busy!”
Today driving down the road I saw a large cargo truck. On the dashboard were all manner of junk store decorations; tinsel, plastic flowers, plastic toys stuck to the dashboard- none of which is unusual here. The one interesting addition this particular truck featured was a 30 in stuffed Tigger, which was hanging from the rearview mirror via a rope tied around its neck. Yes, sadly, Pooh’s best friend dangled there, his feet well above the dashboard, his head lolled to one side.
In our new lodgings in Accra, the owner has two dogs who sincerely would like to rip our faces off. The most aggressive of the two has a bark like a Rottweiler and regularly charges me- he hasn’t actually bitten us yet, but he’s trying his best to scare us off.
The vicious killer’s name? Peace.
And here’s a few funny things I did manage to get photos of…
No, it's not just the angle... This Mini Bus is actually named "Hank U Jesus." Doesn't that sound like something really obscene?
This crappy mini-bus has a funny name, as is evidenced by the below close-up of it's rear...

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