Quick Fix
Thought I'd put in a quick word to let everyone know I've arrived in Ghana safe and sound. I actually arrived about 10 days ago but I've been a incommunicado lately for three main reasons:
1. Between jet lag, the cold I brought from America, and my malaria prophylactic, I've been sleeping for enormous amounts of time.
2. There's been some power outages, so internet cafes have not been open consistently.
3. I've had bigger things on my mind. For those of you who don't know, my mom just had another surgery yesterday, and it sounds like things went well.
But here are some other things going on in my life.
First off, Mus and I found a new place to stay in Obo. It's definitely the nicest place yet. It consistently has running water with nice bathroom fixtures, the room has a high ceiling with a powerful ceiling fan, and it's on the edge of town on top of a hill with a great view and a strong breeze. We are renting a room and a bathroom from a large house with many rooms. We live with the caretakers, a nice family whom I don't all know yet because I've spent almost all of my time in our room sleeping, as mentioned before. The only snaffoo we've encountered is with our stuff. The lady we lived with last year, Mus's cousin- she's wonderful and sweet and fun, but... She's just not into housekeeping. We love her, but living with her was kind of like living with a 60-year-old sorority girl. Anyway, we had thought we were going to live with her again this year, so we left a bunch of stuff in our old room there for the summer. Due to a family power struggle that had nothing to do with us, our room was taken over by another branch of the family and our stuff was put under the care of Auntie Kissiwa and well- a lot of it's ruined. We had some rain issues, apparently, which have now become mildew/rust issues. Mus, who has plenty of clothes here, is just planning on throwing his away, but I have few clothes here and I'm not too excited about the prospect of replacing my entire wardrobe off the street without dressing rooms... I'm hoping we can salvage a few of my favorite pieces. Maybe with some elbow grease and some old-fahioned German stubbornness...
Secondly, I'm currently in Cape Coast for a wedding. Mus's close friend Stan was married today, and we came down here to Cape to celebrate the event. They had the ceremony in a huge, lovely church, and the reception was in the large yard of his parents' house. My favorite part of the day was dancing at the church- well, I didn't really dance, but I had fun watching. I captured some on video- it really made the wedding feel like a celebration. Thinking back on some of the weddings I've been to in America, with heavy organ music, they seem more like funerals, they're such somber events.
Anyway, hopefully soon I'll be more settled in at the apartment in Obo and I can start posting more often. Until then, Happy Holidays, everyone!
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