Tough Love
Sometimes, you just gotta show 'em who's boss...
This morning, I wake up to a loud clatter and look up to see Mus guiltily holding my camera. As he was unplugging it, he'd dropped it. Upon examination, we found that he'd broken both the lens cap (not a big deal) and the autofocus (a very big deal).
So it turned out that the focus was stuck at a particular spot, and that I had to use my zoom to get my camera to focus- not easy, as my zoom was not designed for such detailed work. And when you turned the camera on, it beeped and flashed numbers at you like it was a bomb. But still, I was diligently trying to get some photos of my Christmas decorations to post for you beautiful people...
Here's an example of one such lovely photo of our bedroom...
Then, this afternoon, Mus and I were going to take a Christmasy photo together, and as I grabbed the camera, the strap got caught on the table and the camera took, yet again, quite a tumble. Thinking that that was the end of the old camera, I turned it on to find- Lo and behold! I "fixed" it. Now the focus works fine, the flashing and the beeping has finished, and all isright with the world.
So now I can send you beautiful pictures like this one:

So next time your digital camera breaks, folks, don't bother taking it to a "professional." They'll just rip you off. Bring it to me- all I'll need is $20 and a concrete floor...
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