Saturday, February 16, 2008

Aroma De Christ

Mus's mother's chickens are trying to kill me. They're hardly more than chicks and one just kamikazed at my head. Birds are evil.

In odd morbid news, yesterday Mus and I were waiting at taxi station for my host sister Julie to arrive. When Mus went off to find me some breakfast, I saw a group of people gathered around a building- I figured they were waiting in line to buy something. But Mus soon returned to inform me that they were gathered around a dead body- everyone had thought the person was sleeping, but when someone tried to wake them they wouldn't rouse. Supposedly there was no sign of violence- no cuts or bruises. Later when the crowd dispersed, all I could see was the cardboard they had piled over the body. By the time we left, the police still hadn't arrived.

And speaking of dead bodies, check out this picture Mus took of me and the crazy drunk guy (he's the son of Mus's parents' landlady- I mentioned him a couple times last year, along with his hobby of kicking puppies).He was just brought in,staggering drunk, at 11 am by some other guy, laid on a bench and left there mumbling incoherently. A few minutes ago he rolled off the bench. Mus thought the picture was funny, as if I killed him and then went calmly back to my typing.

And for more photos, here are some links:

If You're Happy and You Know It...

The Sandcastles of Dwarves

I also posted some new videos, so you gotta check them out.

By the way, Aroma De Christ is the a new Christian church that's opened up here in Accra. Just goes to further prove that there's no end to the absurd originality of Ghanaian Christians.

Which brings up an interesting idea- what aroma do you associate with Jesus? I mean, in the literal sense, he probably smelled like BO- same as all desert-dwellers did before the invention of antiperspirant- but what about figuratively?


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