The Cost of a Coconut
Mus and I got a-hankerin' for coconuts one day and- what do ya know! We had coconut trees in our yard. But that didn't mean the fruit was free...

First task in satisfying our coconut craving- go to the neighbor's house and borrow a ladder. Yusif was really instrumental in this.
Next we have to lean the ladder against the tree..

Everyone's gotta check to make sure it's positioned correctly.

From your album:
"The Cost of a Coconut"

Mus climbs up to get the booty.

From your album:
"The Cost of a Coconut"

It's not as easy at it looks, folks.

Mus starts to toss the coconuts down to us.

Sometimes Mus tossed the coconuts at us, as opposed to "to us." Nasia, brave soul that she is, hid behind her baby brother.

Man those coconuts were heavy!

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