So you think your boss is crazy...
I’ve been volunteering at a school for the last 2 + months, and I have been banned from setting foot inside of it again. “Why?” you ask. Because a sixth grade kid used school computers to look at porn.
Please keep in mind that this is a kid I’ve never met, who used a computer I’ve never used, in a classroom I’m not responsible for, at a time when I was not present at the school, nor was I supposed to be.
The owner of the school, who Mus and I have long known to be crazy, flipped out upon finding out that someone used her pcs to look at a porn site. So on Wed. morning she called the school and informed her secretary that the computers must remain switched off until she come to handle the situation, and all computer classes are cancelled. The secretary informs Mus, who decides to investigate. He goes to the internet history, and finds out exactly what time the site was visited. Sure enough, someone visited the site on Sat. afternoon after Mus’s shift had ended. He starts interviewing kids to see if they saw anything, and before the end of the day, he’s found out that this 6th grade kid was the one who visited the site.
Mus tells me about the situation, and together he and I look through Windows to see if we can block such sites in the future. We find the Content controller for Internet Options, and I show him how it works so he can tell his boss about it.
The boss lady doesn’t show up for two days. She finally comes after the school has closed and Mus is waiting for her when he should be at home. He goes into her office, ready to tell her who did it and off his suggestion at preventing a recurrence.
But she wasn’t interested in hearing him talk. Instead, she just yelled at him and insulted him for a long time. Finally when she pauses briefly, he jumps in to let her know he’s discovered the kid who did this. She still wasn’t interested, and accused Mus of turning on the computer- against her orders- to tamper with evidence.
Through this Mus has remained pretty calm. At the next pause he tries to explain to her his solution, but he starts his explanation with, “Jessica and I have worked out a solution…”
At which point she started insulting me, who was not present. When I first arrived here, she had invited me to use her PC to check my email and keep in contact with my family in
But the owner of the school was saying how now there are all these shady websites in her address bar, and who knows what I had been looking at, and the websites probably link to porn… (yeah, Adam should start charging a subscription fee with all those naked bodies floating around!) Essentially, she was insinuating to all the staff members there that I had been using her computer to look at porn, and that somehow I’d also influenced the 6th grader to do the same, even though I’ve never met the kid nor has the kid ever touched the boss lady’s computer.
Well, of course Mus was extremely angry, and he pointed at her and said, “What exactly are you accusing Jess of? You need to just come out and say it, because she has nothing to do with this conversation. You should retract that statement unless you have something you can show us against her. It’s really unfair for you to drag her name into this and I’m not going to sit by and let you do it.”
She hemmed and hawed and was like, “You’re right, I shouldn’t have said that. Still, I don’t want her to ever use my computer again.”
The next day Mus was at school, and the other teachers told him that she kept going on about me and the sleazy websites I went to, and had directed her secretary not to let me in the school again.
We think the real reason she attacked me in this way was because of an incident early on in my stay. Once I had been in
Can you imagine my family asking Mus, after he had been in the
So I politely informed her that I did not feel qualified to handle the task, and I wasn’t comfortable making this decision, and I handed all the information and materials back to her. I was very polite and didn’t insult her or try to show her that it was crazy; I just simply told her I wasn’t qualified.
However, this lady is the queen of One-Sided Conversations. Her philosophy is that employees should not speak in the presence of their employer- not even when they’re being spoken to. No one says no to her, and she was furious.
Unfortunately, this is just one of many crazy things she does. She gives these crazy decrees- her latest is that the kids who come voluntarily to school on Saturday should be locked inside from 9 to 4 without any access to food or water. Mus was astonished and furious about that- that’s like prison! Or she’ll go into a classroom and yell at a teacher in front of his students- she’ll call him names and insult him with the kids right there, and then take over the class to “show” him how to teach properly. Or she’ll randomly pick students and call them to her and make them read to her, and if they make a mistake she yells at them and calls them stupid until they cry. And she always talks to her staff like they’re naughty children, without an ounce of respect for them or their dignity.
Originally when she hired Mus, she told him he would work from 7:30-2:30, Monday through Friday. Now she’s upped that to 7:30 to 3:30, Monday through Friday and 9 to 4 on Saturdays. And she hasn’t increased his salary, even though she added 12 more hours to his work week.
Mus is looking for a new job, which I think is a good idea for two reasons:
A) We’ve both stood up to her and said no. This is unacceptable behavior in her mind. She’s furious at both of us, and she would fired Mus on the spot except that all her staff is quitting. 3 teachers quit just during last week alone. She’s lost at least 5 or 6 teachers already this term, which means she’s running on 80% of the staff she needs- and she doesn’t have any substitutes to cover. She can’t afford to fire a teacher at this point, because she doesn’t have enough as it is. But I have a feeling that as soon as she’s filled all the positions again, Mus will be the first to go.
B) He loves the kids and he loves the work, but the crazy lady making the staff and students suffer breaks his heart. He fluctuates between rage at her and compassion for the kids. So I know that if he’s teaching in a workplace that isn’t brimming with fear, he will really love his job. We just need to find him such a workplace.
So what does this mean to you fine people, out there in cyberspace? I won’t be as connected to the internet, so I won’t be able to communicate with you so much. We’re looking at me going to a café once a week, if that. Just so you know. There’s no longer any hope for adding photos while I’m here, so I’ll publish an awesome album on the net as soon as I get home.
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