Tuesday, March 18, 2008


I forget the weirdest things while here in Ghana.

I've experienced this phenomenon over several years as I've come and gone. I arrive back in the U.S. to discover I've forgotten my cell phone number or my social security number, and then I have to memorize these things all over again...

Last year, about a week after going Stateside, I stopped at the Family Dollar to pick up a few things. I didn't have enough cash on me so I pulled out my dusty ol' debit card.

But I had to use my PIN to complete the transaction because the Family Dollar doesn't accept credit cards. I entered what I thought was my PIN, but after being denied three times it appaently wasn't the correct one. I was so embarrassed- I'm sure the clerk thought I'd stolen the card. I mean, come on, it's 4 simple digits!

And the weirdest part of all this is that there's one number I never forget while I'm in Ghana-

My 10-digit library card number.


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