Saturday, February 24, 2007

Jailhouse Pups

Well, I’m sorry to report that the puppies have landed themselves in prison. I can’t say I’m surprised, really. They’re at that age where curiosity and new-found mobility are their primary attributes, and that fact, along with their massive numbers, have turned them into a frenzied mob of little hell rats.

Their most recent kinetic conquest landed them in trouble. They’ve discovered how to climb through the cracks in the railing to get onto the porch. However, the porch’s slippery tiles prevent them from standing on their hind legs and getting back out. So they climb into the porch and whine until someone removes them. All night long. Last night, my solution was to leave the door to the porch open so they can walk out. This morning the porch was covered in puppy poop.

So Mus’s family decided to make use of the uncompleted building in the compound to make a pen for the little rascals. They were set-up in a nice little two bedroom-one bath apartment, complete with shade shelter, burlap beds, and a dirt floor full of digging possibilities… At first Mus and his mom tried to board up the entrances to lock the puppies in, but it took the puppies about 5 min. to figure a way out. Now Mus’s dad has used cement blocks to close it up. It’s been about 5 hours and still no escapees- but I have a feeling though that they will soon find a way.

And if they don’t manage to find their own escape route, they’re already working on another plan. They’ve been crying and wailing for 5 hours straight… Mus’s parents have been gone most of this time, but now that they’re home, it’s a battle of stamina. Who can hold out longest, the family’s nerves or the puppies vocal chords? Only time will tell…


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What do you do in Ghana Jess ?

2:02 PM  

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