I have a whole bunch of photos that don't go with any cute or funny anecdote, and I love the photos anyway, so I'm giving myself permission to put together random photo albums. That are in no particular order. So ha!

Mus has always had a fascination with funny-looking pajamas, so I brought him some long underwear from the states. He first got to try it out when we went to the Eastern Region (because it was cold at night).

He looked like he was having so much fun dancing in them, when he went out to buy some food, I thought I'd give it a try...

Those things hanging from our mouths are plantain chips- homemade. Yum!

These sneakers were Mus's birthday present from me. When I gave them to him, he put them on and started tap-dancing around the room. Little did I know he was tap-dancing in my socks! (I think this particular sock Mus is modeling was a gift from Carol's Mom).
This is Roger, the masochistic, love-deprived cat. Apparently, he and Mus were close when he was a kitten, and now he's always searching for some affection from unlikely sources. Sources include: my feet when I'm walking up stairs, adult dogs, and puppies who only want to wrestle. But the puppies will give him kisses occasionally (they tend to lick anything they're about to bite). Roger appreciates the kisses but whacks them when they bite him.

This is Ama, walking through the alleys of Nkwanta with corn on her head.

I found this sign on the lawn in front of a hotel in the Eastern Region. Feel free to walk or run- but DO NOT DANCE!

Mus, the invincible warrior.

This is Mus with Pudge, taking her for a dunk in the sea. News flash, by the way- Pudge is FEMALE! You learn somehting new everyday...

Here's Pudge looking miserable and like a drowned rat. Honestly they're getting funner everyday- they're developing unique colorings, unique habits, unique personalities... Pudge is quickly losing the rights to her name, because she's the dumbest of the three and therefore the worst at getting food. She's the strongest and the fastest runner, but she can't seem to ever find the food once she gets to where I drop it. She's still built like a tank, though. As for me, she usually could care less about me unless I have food- she's a fighter, not a lover, and she gives the other two a good trouncing once in awhile. But occasionally she'll surprise me with an affectionate moment... She's by far the prettiest of the three in terms of markings.

Jay is all about the limelight. She wants to be petted, loved, kissed- she's a lap dog at heart. She doesn't care if you're digging in her ear for ticks as long as you're touching her. And she'll do anything for a scratch and a "Good girl, Jay." She literally jumps in front of my camera when I take it out- she loves having her picture taken. She just likes the fact that I'm moving her and touching her and looking at her.

Aww... Aren't they so cute in their Ghanaian clothes?

This is an OLD picture of Clem- he looks so young and little! Clem is the best at getting food- he's little but agile and has good senses and reflexes. It's probably good for him, since he was the runt of the litter- but he eats so much that his stomach bulges out like he's pregnant! Today he was literally waddling because he stuffed so much food in his stomach. He also finds he likes attention, though not nearly so much as Jay.

A baby picture of Jay...

This is the pool we went to on Christmas

Ok, so maybe Pudge deserves her name a little...
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