I'm Old
So Ghana turned 50 yesterday, and to celebrate they threw a big old street carnival.
Mus and I got home last night at 2:30 AM, and we slept literally all day to recover. Seriously, I woke up at 4pm today and I feel seriously hungover, although I drank nothing but water all evening.
When did I get so old and decrepit that 2:30 AM is an ungodly hour?
Anyhow, the carnival was amazing, but I have one serious complaint, Ghana, so listen up. When you host a Street Dance, first order of business is to BLOCK OFF THE FRIGGIN' STREET! I was so annoyed that while dancing in the street- which is the only available space, I had to dodge traffic.
Anyhow, I have great photos and even some video footage, so I'll make like Adam and post it later.
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