Saturday, April 14, 2007

Race Relations Among Chickens

So, Mus's mom has upped the number of poultry in the house to a whopping 8, which is hefty considering our limited amount of space and the baker's dozen of dogs already occuptying said space. And tensions in the chicken courtyard are steadily rising...

Originally Mus's mom bought 4 white chickens. KInd of your standard looking Brakebush sort of creatures. Later, she added 4 black and white ones- they kind of have a speckled nature to them, but the overall effect is black.

Apparently, the idiocy of white supremacy is not confiined only to humans.

The white chickens chase the black ones around and peck at them and rip their feathers out, and refuse to let the black ones eat. If we put down two separate dishes of food so they don't have to mingle, all that happens is two white chickens eat at one dish and the other two occupy the other dish, meaning we'd have to put down five dishes before the poor black ones have any hope of eating. The oppressed chickens are getting sick from the stress of their living conditions. So far one of the black chickens has actually died from the abuse.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

I am My Own Grandpa...

Or something like it.

Check it out.

So Mus's paternal grandfather has 16 wives 9he was chief, and that's what cheifs did in those days). Mus's dad, Musah, is the youngest son of the youngest wife. Mus's grandmother, the youngest wife, is well over 100 years old (no one knows for sure how long she's been alive, because when she was born the Western calender hadn't yet been mainstremaed in Ghana).

So most of Musah's siblings have died of old age.Musah is approaching 60. He has a nephew who is in his 70's. And yet, because Musah is technically the uncle, which here is the same word as Father, the nephew refers to Musah as "Father" and has to defer to him in family matters.

Last month, Musah had to precide over a funeral for "his son," who was actually a nephew. This deceased "son" was 15 years older than his "father".