I think I should start every blog entry with a pretty picture of the beach....

And people tell me I don't post enough pics of myself, so here's one of me during my beach bum weeks... (Compliments of Mus)

Speaking of Mus, here's the International Man of Mystery himself...

Here are my oh-so-wonderful creations that I made from my ruined clothes... (I bet you don't even recognize your old clothes, do you mom?)

And by the end of the afternoon, the clothes weren't the only thing colored...

This group here are some of my favorite photos so far. As many of you know, my new obsession are these three little puppies who live at Auntie Naana's house, where Mus and I are currently staying. They are my babies (just ask my mom, she's shipping me flea shampoo from the states). They are so fun and adorable. I used to be a cat person, but now I don't give the two cats hanging around a second look- I'm puppy-crazy right now. Mus and I spend a lot of time with them- and I shoot videos of them on my digital camera and we sit by the computer and watch our home videos... Anyhow, they have a major flea problem, which is so sad 'cause they're really suffering. So until the flea shampoo arrives, Mus and I came up with another solution- soak the puppies in salt water. In our first attempt, we took the puppies to the beach. Bad idea. The nearest beach was really rough with strong currents... Mus held onto his puppies well, but mine slippd away and poor thing almost drowned. I had to run after him to pull him out of the waves- he was going head over heels. Afterwards he shook for hours from the trauma of it- I think he was in shock. But, thank God, we went home with all three puppies in tow. Now we mix up a salt and antiseptic solution in a bucket and dunk them- much safer.
Below is Pudge, held in the sturdy hands of Mus, looking like a drowned rat. Pudge is the biggest of the group, and he's a cross between a brat and Eeyore from Winnie-the-Pooh. He likes to throw his weight around to get extra food and trounce the other two, but as soon as he feels left out or left behind he starts to whine. Also has a tendency to fall into gutters and get stuck. But he has his endearing moments, like when he's socking wet and trying to furiously paddle in the water, even though Mus has him firmly in his grasp.

Here's Clem (L) and Pudge (R). After their dip, they went crazy rubbing themselves in the warm dry sand. All these puppies hate water, by the way, because one stormy night they almost drowned in their den as it filled with rain. Luckily Mus heard them crying and rescued them, but they're all a bit hydrophobic ever since. Clem on the left is the one who almost drowned. He's the runt of the litter and the least rambunctious, but he's a sweetheart with lots of love to give, and these hilarious ears that stick out, making him look like such a sweet, lovable dork when he grins with his tongue hanging out. His favorite activity is sleeping and heaping love on his mom, since he's her favorite.

This is Clem again. See what I mean about the ears?

Pudge again. Feeling sorry for himself.

This is Jay. She's my favorite. She's rowdy and smart and the leader of the three. She doesn't let Pudge push her around, and she's always the first to explore. She knows she's my favorite, though, and follows me around until I put her on my lap and scratch behind her ears. Her favorite activity is terrorizing one of the cats, Roger. She also has markings somewhat similar to our beloved Gracie, with patches of brown like eyebrows.

More to come- I hope all of you read this far because it took me two and a half hours to get these posted!