Thursday, November 30, 2006

Penguin Baywatch

Ok, so any of you that have known me for any length of time know that I'm a $1 store junkie. And I'm not talking Family Dollar here- no I'm all about the stores where each item REALLY ONLY COSTS $1.

My new favorite thing to buy there are movies on DVD. You'd be amazed.

So far we've watched two of these $1 documetnaries that I brought from the states- and they were both terrific! One was about researchers working with dolphins in the Bahamas. The other was about penguins- it was titled "Penguin Baywatch" and it's leading charqacters were named Mr. and Mrs. Macaroni. It opened with 100 penguins gathered together in a tight little bundel, desperately hanging off the edge of a cliff. Talk about a cliff-hanger! And before long, there was pneguin cliff-diving- I mean, what more can you want?

Mus's response to the exciting opening scene was, "Wow, those birds look tasty."

Thank you, Bucky Katt!

(And here's my shameless plea for gifts- anyone out there reading this, if you ever peruse the $1 DVDs and find any animal documentaries therein. Buy them for me. Buy all the animal documentaries for me. I swear I will pay you back...)

Monday, November 27, 2006

When Jet-Lag isn't Jet-Lag...

Turns out I wasn't as jet-lagged as I thought. I've been sleeping cray amounts of time all week, but I thnk I found the cause. The day after I arrived I took my malaria prophylaxis, and I thought I had read the instructions carefully. But then the other day when I went to take it again (it's a once a week dosage) and I reread the doage instructions.

See, they have a dosage just marked "Adults" in big letters, but further down in teeny tiny letters there is the prohylaxis dosage. Last Saturday I took the reccomended dosage for when you actually have malaria- which is twice the dosage you take if you are just preventing malaria. And that medicine is designed to stay in your system all week. Which was why I spent all of last week sleeping 16 hours a day- and the nightmares were just psychotic. Honestly, if I've seen you more than twice in my life, you were somehow viciously killed or murdered in my dreams this past week. If you would like premonitions of your death in gory detail, feel free to write me...

Finally yesterday and today I'm clearing up and no longer have the sleeping schedule of a house cat.

On the brighter side of things, I feel very confident that I don't haveany malaria in my system as of yet....

Sunday, November 26, 2006


So, for anyone who isn't familiar with my particular corner of Wisconsin, we have a significant population of white squirrels running around among the grey, black, and slightly reddish ones. Generally, though, they don't come to our birdfeeder. A couple of years ago, we had one white one amongst our regular grey customers. For some reason my dad singled him out and started hand-feeding him leftover nuts from Christmas. We named him McWhitey.

Today a guy leaned out of the window of his truck and called to me "Sister White!" (which is apparently the English translation of the word 'obruni.') And that's when it hit me; I'm the albino squirrel in the backyard.