Off the Grid
I'm not sure why, but my access to the internet is unexpectedly and frustratingly limited. I hope that my usual haunts are closed simply due to the holidays, and that things will reopen and operate normally soon. Otherwise, I suppose I will have to write and do my stuff and save until we go to Accra once a month or so, and then just dump all of it on you at once. Right now, I'm at the only internet cafe open within a 50 mile radius of Obo, and it's unbelievably dilapidated. Every other click times out on the internet. Even the Minesweeper application malfunctions- and I am not exaggerating. How can that even happen?
Anyhow, other than the frustrating internet access, things here are good. I'll start writing more soon, once things settle down a bit more, and I'll post when I can. Christmas was nice- we've been doing some travelling, so Mus and I are doing a more European Christmas- starting to celebrate on Christmas Eve and continuing through Epiphany (or Three Kings Day). Just seemed to work better in our schedules. We had Christmas dinner on Christmas Eve with his family- the menu included grilled chicken, cauliflower, fried cornflakes, and instant mashed potatoes (courtesy of the elderly neighbor who received them in a care package from her daughter in the UK; the neighbor lady was not interested in trying new, dehydrated, and processed foods. She also passed on some microwave popcorn, which we are removing from the bag to pop on the stove.)
Other holiday highlights:
- Peppermint Mochas- Mint tea mixed with Milo and instant coffee- it's not starbucks but it's still okay by me!
- Watching Home Alone with 5 young girls who live in the house with us in Obo- they thought it was hilarious!
- The beautiful new Bubu Mus bought me for Christmas- pictures to come. (A Bubu is a large, formal and extremely comfy dress, often with extravagant embroidery).
Hope everyone enjoyed their family time this Christmas, and for those going to Ed's for New Year's- blow something extra up in memory of me!